We propose an innovative plan aimed at enhancing the resources of families and achieving the well‐being of their sons and daughters and helping them to socialize. Naturally, there are many other challenges to face (improving society, advising families, offering follow‐up from the municipalities, promoting healthy leisure, etc.), but in this programme we focus on a fundamental challenge: getting the right resources so that families may overcome their problems and those of their children, specifically, the emotional and social relationships that, if properly resolved, are those that contribute most to their well‐being and that of others
- Support the opportunity for everyone to acquire and develop key competences included in the project, as is the case of Social competence.
- Disseminate examples of good practices in family training to promote the establishment of sustainable links between active educational organizations (PTAs, schools) and society in general at the local level with the constitution of the Sector Councils
- Support active citizenship by supporting the development of social skills, offering families the opportunity to participate in democratic life and social and civic engagement through non‐formal learning. Raising awareness that inclusion and coexistence are the common values of European feeling.
- Encourage families to support schools and local institutions in improving coexistence.
- Put in place guidelines for action by families, in cases of domestic and social violence.
- Develop a coexistence plan to create safe cities and towns
- Creation of a legal citizen participation body in each country. In Spain it would be the Sectorial Council for Coexistence.
- Preparation of a guide for families that we will call the "Coexistence Plan to promote safe European cities and towns".
- Use of the Erasmus + Virtual Exchange platform and the EPALE platform to enhance the impact, dissemination and sustainability of the project.
Justify the Projets
The aim of this project is to work primarily with families, on common values such as coexistence, social inclusion and citizen participation in order to achieve, in collaboration with Educational Centers and Local Authorities. To justify the project, we draw from several studies on school violence in European countries. In Spain we have referred to the report of the ANPE Teaching Union Teacher’s Ombudsman for the 2018‐2019 academic year on cases of violence in educational centers. In this study and in other European studies, they agree that approximately:
Objetivies of the Projets
- The aim of this project is to work primarily with families, on common values such as coexistence, social inclusion and citizen participation in order to achieve, in collaboration with Educational Centers and Local Authorities, safer European towns and cities
- Is necessary to start with the families themselves, to solve those confliects which affect day-to-day school life and, in the long term, citizens’ coexistence, creating insecure towns and cities
- Parents' Associations, Neighborhood Associations and Youth Associations, working together to create strong, stable families, which is a basic principle to raise children with higher levels of well-being and more positive academic results
- Unite all the representatives of the families and instill in them, a common spirit of European citizenship and positive coexistence
- Our main focus is on families, but we should not ignore what surrounds them, including the schools where their children are educated and the town or city in which they live, because the individual is sociable by nature and interacts with others, especially with people from your town or city. This is how the third element, the towns or cities in which these families live, springs into action as part of the project
- The idea of the project is to achieve considerate, active families who strive for peaceful coexistence, working side by side with the educational centers, but with the support of local authorities who will create the necessary legal mechanisms to create the citizen participation bodies that unite the efforts of families and neighbours in the fight to put an end to violence
The results we hope achieve with the projet are:
- A Virtual European Parenting School with a Web Portal, to generate debate accross social networks
- A dedicated web portal on school coexistence with an APP to facilitate parents' access to the School for Families and action guidelines when they have problems living with their children
- Publicize the project through social networks: twitter, facebook, instagram
- Regular face‐to‐face workshops and conferences aimed at parents as key to improving citizen coexistence
- The exchange of examples of good practices in family activities, successfully carried out in the different cities where the consortium partners are located, sharing experiences of coexistence, civic, emotional and psychological security in the participating countries
- Creation of a legal citizen participation body in each country. In Spain it would be the Sectorial Council for Coexistence
- Preparation of a guide for families that we will call the "Coexistence Plan to promote safe European cities and towns"
- Use of the Erasmus + Virtual Exchange platform and the EPALE platform to enhance the impact, dissemination and sustainability of the project
- Training School for families with eight major cores: Family coexistence, Minors and social networks, Coexistence and citizen participation, Social Inclusion, Coaching for families, European Security, Conflict resolution and group dynamics, Hyperactivity TDH