The consortium is made up of a group of institutions with extensive experience in the field of European projects and Education
- E10247722
- E10025644
The Consortium
The partners from Cumbria (United Kingdom), Volos (Greece) and the Virgen de los Remedios Association (Spain) have been selected for their experience in previous work in the field of Coexistence. The Etwinning platform has also been used to find new partners who are very concerned about coexistence, such as the Austrian partner, expert in Social Inclusion.
This consortium is strengthened by the entry of the AIS Association (Austria), with wide experience in social inclusion, since inclusion and the empowerment of coexistence is the only guarantor of interculturality and of the direct fight against any form of intolerance. In any consortium, it is good to have one partner, in this case Villamayor Town Council, with no European experience, but with wide experience in project management, having achieved in two years two great domestic milestones: designated as a «City of Science» and as a » Child‐friendly city ”committed to the rights of children, adolescents and the inhabitants in general.
Responsabilty of patners
Each partner is responsible for the adaptation and implementation of the coexistence plan in their own cities, following the steps outlined by the three pillars on which this plan is based.
Is an expert, with its School for Parents and Families. It coordinates a working group with the parents’ associations of the four schools in the town and run a very successful school for parents, with the support of two foundations, MEDIAREN (expert in conflict mediation) and FUNDANEED ( expert in dealing with hyperactive students). The Municipal Youth Council of Villamayor (CASJUVI) will also participate in this project.The Coordinator of the Virgen de los Remedios Association has extensive experience in the field: Head of European projects at the Salamanca Provincial Directorate of Education (where he worked as a partner of the Comenius 2.1 «Promoting School Safety» project coordinated by Sweden), former councilor of the Villamayor City Council, Regional Training Secretary of the ANPE union, where he coordinated the Leornardo Da Vinci project “Enterprise as innovation to create new work places at time of global crisis ‐INNOVACREAWORK‐” nº 2010‐1 ‐ ES1 ‐ LEO05‐21250, and President of the Virgen de los Remedios Neighborhood Association, involved in citizen participation and good coexistence
Is an expert in local government and citizen participation, and oversees educational centers in the Cumbria region, reinforcing its work in those socially disadvantaged rural centers. It is part of the Carlisle Municipal Council
Is an expert in INCLUSION. It is an agency in the Thessaly region whose objective is to successfully overcome social barriers, support disadvantaged groups and promote strategies for social inclusion, cohesion and development. Since its creation, it has implemented joint actions for the equality of human rights. It is one of the consortium institutions that participated in the «Promoting School Safety» program
Is an expert in inclusion: working on inclusive tools for trainers and expert in developing action plans for social inclusion, multicultural and inclusive education. It works on examples of good practice to improve inclusion and mobile tools for learning assessment